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Wow! I’ve gotten lax updating this site! I’ll clean up my act. Above is a recording from UStream of me inking today’s cartoon, which I’ll post later.
Decided to bookend Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor event with two cartoons. One today and the next on Tuesday.
This one was entirely drawn within the Photoshop program.
There goes Obama! Isn’t he havin’ FUN!!??!! And not one press person around!
I have been recently slammed with work and divorce legal issues and was going to pass on both cartoons this week. I quickly knocked this out Thursday night. Entirely done with Photoshop.
As this bubbles up, Pelosi and friends are in trouble.
This one was entirely conceived by Ken Culotta. Whatever may be in these documents, in the midst of war I can’t imagine that our soldiers can feel comfortable when information leaks. It shows how the digital world is not a safe place.
It bugs me that certain atheists find it imperative to bulldoze what Christians want to do then play hands off with other religions. If anyone should be protesting this mosque, it’s the atheist groups. But, as usual, they are no where to be found.
Penciled, inked and colored using Photoshop.
What will Obama do in just a few years when the next President points fingers at HIS Presidency?????
This cartoon is a collaborative effort between Ken Culotta and myself. I was going to label the grave diggers Rahm Emanuel and David Azelrod and then decided not to. Someone e-mailed me that they thought I had dressed Obama as Lincoln. Nope, I was thinking more of an 1800s undertaker.
Just where are all the critics of any leisure time Bush took? Moreover, he just thumbs his nose at questions of an appropriate vacation location and just goes on his way.