The Viruses-19 Hysteria Continues:
Jul 4th, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.

From, old friend, Hobo Monkey: “Spoke to a customer today. We were discussing covid-19. I shared the Texas statistic of over 11,000 died in 2018 of flu and pneumonia. In 2020, so far, we have 2,552 deaths from flu, Pneumonia AND covid-19.

She then stated her friends took advantage of the free covid-19 test here locally and they signed in with address and phone number and got in line. Several hours later in the Texas heat they decided the test was not worth the wait and left.

The next day they got a call saying they were positive for covid-19. They asked how that was possible? They left and never had the test. Their response was, “Well you signed into be tested you WERE here!”

THIS is how the Numbers are being gathered and are ruling our lives!!!

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