August 29th, 2013: Unlock and unload: ‘Barack Obama issues executive orders on gun control’
August 29th, 2013 by Rob Smith, Jr.

This is going to cause troubles for election in 2014 and 2016. Beyond the ripple effect politically in the next few months. Looks like in the fury of Middle East problems, Americans ready to take days off for more vacation time and Congress being out, Obama unrolled this bombshell.

Many, including Glenn Beck, have warned of the Executive Branch taking political control of, what are considered, personal issues involving guns and here they are proved correct. This is likely being slid under the door as Obama prepares for air strikes in Syria to cover over the orders.

Here’s the story:

‘Barack Obama issues executive orders on gun control

President Barack Obama today invoked his executive authority to push through new gun control measures even as his legislative plans for broader action remained stalled in Congress.

Unable to overcome opposition to new gun laws from Republicans and a handful of conservative Democrats, the White House has resorted to issuing executive orders which do not need Congressional approval.

The new orders ban Americans from buying weapons that the US military has provided to foreign governments. Around 250,000 guns, including assault rifles, have been re-imported back into the US since 2005, according to White House figures.’

Here’s the rest of the story –

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