May 11, 2009 – Crist for Senate?
May 11th, 2009 by Rob Smith, Jr.

In this article in The Hill today, apparently Florida Governor Charlie Crist is going to announce his bid for the US Senate. I really question the move. As written in the story, Crist has upset conservatives, including me. From the mentioned cuddling up to Obama’s insane fiscal moves to the US Sugar deal to the pact with the Seminoles to the current odd ad campaign to support rasing taxes to save people’s lives.

I find myself disagreeing more with Crist than agreeing. Coming in waving a moderate/conservative flag and acting more like a moderate/liberal. On top of that he’s become reeeeeeal wobbly with his actions. The US Sugar deal is an amazing achievement. Yet it’ll cost a lot and, with a backward glance, so far restoration of the Kissimmee River and Everglades is, to me, extremely disappointing. I haven’t seen him step forward with a very focussed action plan to make sure this time we’ll move forward and not just fill consultant’s pockets. Does this deal add up to anything?

Same with the “Seminole Compact”. The gaming people, not necessarily the Seminoles, win big. What about the seniors, whose future has been challenged by the economy? They will be further seduced to dump their Social Security checks into the pockets of the gaming companies. I don’t think the government should step in and protect them. But it’s far worse that the same government set the seniors up as a mark.

Though I have my problems with Crist as Governor, he could be a powerhouse in the Senate versus  Martinez who flittered away his position (His typical M.O.- He did the same thing at H.U.D. and the Orange County Commission). The U.S. Senate is in need of strong Republicans right now, Crist could be that. He could also, based on his current actions, repeat Martinez.

I’m not sure I would support him for Governor again. I don’t know if I can support him for Senate. I know I’m disappointed in too much of what he has done so far. I know many conservatives who feel in a similar way. To me he would have a better chance to regain the Governor’s seat than the Senate.I do think this is all part of a larger plan that Rep. Chair and friends have. I believe they have someone else they want as Governor. I’m sue we’ll know who shortly.

Somehow J.E.B. Bush fits in all this. He’s doing what he’s done in the past just before he tackles a political race –  become very obvious to the media. I feel very strongly that the Republican party must give the Bush family a very long rest before getting back into politics. The media and the current President has and is giving the Bush family a very bad name. Too bad you can’t sue them for defamation of character. But that’s politics.

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