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I wanted to add more items around the hideout that would fir, but, with deadline approaching, only added the swinging tire.
This one written by my dear friend Yosef Singer. I’m sure many a student felt this way today. Jacob and Taylor return to do delivery chores.
My problem with this is multi-fold. One was the idea, just even the idea, that students, kindergarteners too, would write reports on Obama and his agenda is something that just makes me sick. Obviously Obama and friends were acting on their own until other staff stepped in and pulled this stupid part out of the school speech. If Obama wants acceptance as a person he needs to go into therapy, not disrupt the school day across the country.\
That leads to the other part. Obama is on the ropes. Everything is falling apart and he knows it. As any insecure salesman does, they reach for anyone who will declare them a valid person. These series of speeches he’s doing is an odd and obvious strain for that declaration.