September 30, 2009 – Gore Vidal
Sep 30th, 2009 by Rob Smith, Jr.

Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’

Click here for the story.

I love Gore Vidal’s writing. I even really like a lot of his ideas. It’s the hatred of conservative thought that gets me.  I have all of his books, collected essays and look beyond his bitterness to conservatism to enjoy taking in his complex narrative style of depicting life and history.

He seems so logical about soooo many problems facing society and then he leaps the tracks on anything Republican. As much as he claims to hate the emotional reactionary turn by many Americans, I believe this is his disability also.

Despite this it was revealing for Vidal to swipe at Obama for his actions. Obama’s current war policy are to the extreme of how Bush handled the wars with even less insight or foresight. I agree with Vidal about this. He may be right about the dictatorship concerns, echoing the dire view of Glenn Beck.

Where I disagree strongly is his saying Obama is a smart person. I hear Obama nimbling using words, but I don’t think he really knows what he’s really saying the majority of the time. If he did, you’d think he’s act more on all of this jabbering he does. I think Vidal might have a different opnion if he met Obama and find him lacking in the intellect department.

I have noticed in the past when Vidal starts in this direction of tarring and featering an individual it’s not long before he’s labeling the swipee as a rotten conservative out to destroy the world. That would be quite a comment as was his statement in the headline.

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